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Media Kit

Media Kit
Your Adult Toy Boxx is a PR/Adult Entertainment Friendly blog.  I would like the opportunity to provide you with a site/business review, product review, and/or giveaway.  Please email me at  if you have interest in having me provide your product/company with a review.
I enjoy being able to spread the word about products and my experiences with them through business/site/product reviews, and giveaways.
The majority of my followers include persons who are looking to purchase a new product or service I would say that my demographic age range is from 25-45 years of age.
Please contact me at   for specific information regarding the stats of this blog, including unique visitors, page views, and Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace follower information. 
Product reviews are a wonderful way to not only receive some honest feedback on a product, but they are also a cost effective way to spread word to others.  I will provide product reviews free of charge, although I will require that a full size sample of the product be sent to me to keep.  I will require 1-2 weeks to complete the review.
If interested in doing a giveaway to accompany a review, I will advertise the giveaway on social networking sites, blogging communities, and giveaway links.  I will utilized to choose the winner.  I require that the prize be shipped to the winner directly by you.
SITE/BUSINESS REVIEW Why do a site/business review?  First, it provides instant exposure.  Second, it provides your business with a review that utilizes keywords to help your site’s ranking in the search engines.  I simply ask that you place my banner on your site or blog.
I do request that the site/business/product be within guidelines for their State/Providance (adult or sexual health related items maybe reviewed at my discretion).
If you are interested in having your site/business/product featured on Your Adult Toy Boxx,  or would like to Guest Blog, please contact me at 
I look forward to any inquiries and future business done with you and your company.
-Mike Peterson

An open letter to PR firms by Jamie of
When you contact me, or other people in the social media space, on behalf of a client, don’t be surprised when we ask what we will get in-return. You make a few thousand dollars a month (sometimes a week) to reach out to people like me to promote brands you work with. They pay you to find an outlet. Without the outlet, word about your brands does not spread. Expecting ANYONE to work for free is ballsy and offensive. You wouldn’t ask a plumber, an electrician, a babysitter, or a doctor to work for free. The same thing applies here. Respect the work that people have put into building their careers and their audience, and the education and experience they are bringing to the table. Most of us GREATLY value our audience and we take our relationship with them very seriously. “We do not pay for reviews”—you’re not paying for a review. You’re paying to reach an audience (a highly educated and engaged one, I might add). An audience that is worth being reached is worth paying for. You make money promoting your client, your clients sell products, yet you expect people like me to work for Facebook likes or exposure.
Facebook likes do not pay bills, exposure is what people die of in the extreme cold or heat…

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